Can You Get Zero Hours Contract Mortgages?

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    Mark Jones

    Mark Jones is a professional mortgage adviser with over ten years of experience helping construction industry scheme workers get the mortgage they deserve.

    Richard Young

    Richard Young is an expert in helping older clients achieve better lifestyle options with the use of a lifetime mortgage and later life lending options.

    This guide offers some detailed insights into obtaining zero-hour contract mortgages. It addresses everything from the fundamental understanding of a zero-hour contract mortgage, the application process’s intricacies, how lenders assess zero-hours contract income, and the various factors that influence eligibility.

    Our objective is to arm you with the essential knowledge and confidence required to successfully navigate the whole mortgage approval process, underscoring that securing a home loan as a zero-hour contract worker is a viable and realistic objective.


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    All About Mortgages For Zero Hours Contract

    Unlike traditional employment, zero-hour contracts offer flexible work hours but do not guarantee a fixed number of weekly hours. This variability in working hours leads to fluctuating income, which traditionally has been a concern for mortgage lenders. However, as the workforce evolves and these types of contracts become more common, more lenders are adapting and offering bespoke mortgage solutions for individuals on zero-hour contracts.


    What Is A Zero-Hour Contract Mortgage?

    A zero-hour contract mortgage is a bespoke financial solution designed for individuals on zero-hour contracts. Unlike traditional employment contracts, zero-hour contracts do not guarantee fixed working hours, resulting in variable income streams.

    Mortgage lenders specialising in hour contract mortgages have developed unique assessment methodologies to accommodate and evaluate the fluctuating income characteristics of zero-hour contract workers.

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    Can I Get A Mortgage On A Zero Hours Contract?

    Securing a mortgage on a zero-hours contract is achievable. It entails finding a mortgage lender who evaluates your entire financial situation rather than focusing solely on the nature of your employment contract. Demonstrating a stable income and maintaining a strong credit profile are key factors that can significantly strengthen your mortgage application.

    Why Is It More Difficult To Get A Mortgage?

    The primary challenge in obtaining zero-hour contract mortgages is the variable income associated with zero-hour contracts. Traditional mortgage lenders generally prefer borrowers with steady, predictable incomes, which assures them of the borrower’s ability to make mortgage repayments consistently. However, for zero-hour contract workers, proving a stable income can be more complex due to the inherent unpredictability of their work hours.

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    How To Go About It

    The approach to securing an hours contract mortgage involves several key steps. Firstly, gathering detailed financial records that illustrate your income stability is crucial.

    This may include bank statements, payslips, credit reports, and other relevant financial documentation. Understanding how much deposit you need is also important, as a larger deposit can often offset the perceived risk associated with variable incomes. Additionally, consulting with mortgage advisors who have experience with zero-hours contract mortgages can provide valuable guidance and increase your chances of approval.

    Employment History

    Lenders emphasise your employment history when assessing applications for zero-hour contract mortgages. They scrutinise this history to evaluate stability and income patterns. Suppose you have a longer, consistent work history, even on a zero-hours contract basis. In that case, it demonstrates reliability and may work in your favour with most mortgage lenders and providers. Continuity in employment, especially if you’ve worked for the same employer over a significant period, can be a positive indicator to lenders. Even under a zero-hour contract, this consistent work history suggests ongoing demand for your services, enhancing your profile as a stable borrower.

    Your Profession

    The nature of your profession plays a critical role, particularly when working on a zero-hours contract. Certain professions, like nursing or teaching, are often viewed more favourably by lenders because these fields typically have a stable demand and are less likely to experience erratic employment conditions. Specialist lenders who understand the nuances of zero-hours contract income are more likely to consider these professional contexts positively, recognising the ongoing requirement for such roles in the economy.

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    Showcasing Your Earnings

    When applying for a zero-hours contract mortgage, you must effectively showcase your earnings. This involves preparing and presenting detailed bank statements and payslips, stretching as far back as possible to demonstrate a consistent income history. The more evidence you can compile to showcase a steady zero-hour contract income, the better your chances are of convincing mortgage providers of your financial stability. This comprehensive financial snapshot helps lenders gauge your average income over time, a key factor in their assessment.

    How Is Income Assessed?

    When assessing income for a mortgage application, lenders primarily focus on applicants’ average earnings over the past few years. This method provides a more balanced view of the financial stability of individuals on zero-hour contracts, whose income might fluctuate month-to-month. In addition to this, lenders will take into account the potential for future earnings. This involves a detailed examination of your employment history, the regularity of your work, and any upward trends in your income. The assessment may also include a review of the industries or sectors you work in, considering their stability and demand, to gauge the likelihood of sustained future earnings.

    What Size Mortgage Can A Zero-Hour Worker Get?

    The size of the mortgage that a zero-hour worker can access primarily hinges on their average income, its perceived stability, and the individual’s overall financial commitments. As a general rule, lenders may offer mortgages up to 4-5 times the applicant’s annual income. However, a lender will also consider affordability, the difference between what you have coming in and going out so can vary wildly between different people. For example consider 2 separate people on the same income. One has children, a car loan and credit card debt. The other has none of these items. A lender is going to lend the first applicant less money than the latter as they have much less disposable income at the end of the month.

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    While securing a mortgage on a zero-hours contract may present unique challenges, it is certainly not insurmountable. The key lies in understanding how lenders view zero-hours contracts and preparing your application accordingly.

    You can significantly enhance your mortgage prospects by showcasing a stable income history, maintaining a strong credit profile, and possibly leveraging the expertise of a mortgage broker familiar with non-standard employment types. Remember, each lender has different criteria, so exploring various options is essential to find a mortgage provider that aligns with your financial circumstances. Ultimately, with careful planning and the right approach, achieving the dream of homeownership is a tangible reality for zero-hours contract workers.


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    Choose Jones & Young For Your Mortgage Needs

    At Jones & Young, we specialise in crafting mortgage solutions that cater to various employment scenarios, including challenging cases like zero-hours contracts.

    Our team of experienced mortgage brokers and advisors understands that each journey to homeownership is unique, especially for those in non-traditional employment. We offer expert guidance, innovative solutions, and a supportive approach, ensuring a seamless journey from consultation to securing your mortgage.

    Choose Jones & Young for a partnership that transforms your homeownership dreams into reality, regardless of your employment status.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Let’s answer a couple of frequently asked questions about zero-hours contract mortgages:

    Yes, you can get a mortgage on a zero-hours contract. The key to success lies in finding mortgage providers who specialise in or are open to considering non-standard employment contracts like zero hours. These lenders will assess your overall financial health, including your income stability, credit history, deposit size, and capacity to manage mortgage repayments. While a zero-hours contract might not offer the traditional stability that some lenders look for, with the right preparation and by showcasing your financial reliability, obtaining a mortgage is certainly achievable.

    While 12 months of payslips can be a good start for mortgage applicants, lenders’ requirements can vary significantly. Some might require more extensive documentation to understand your earnings history better, especially because income can fluctuate on a zero-hours contract. Generally, the more evidence you can provide to show a stable and consistent income, the better. This could include documents such as P60s or bank statements. Additionally, a solid record of continuous employment, even if it’s under zero-hours contracts, can bolster your application. It’s advisable to consult with a mortgage advisor or a lender with zero-hours contracts experience to understand the specific documentation requirements.

    Mark Jones

    Mark Jones is a professional mortgage adviser with over ten years of experience helping construction industry scheme workers get the mortgage they deserve.

    Richard Young

    Richard Young is an expert in helping older clients achieve better lifestyle options with the use of a lifetime mortgage and later life lending options.